OAVT Rabies Response Program (RRP) Training

Thank you for your interest in being a part of the OAVT Rabies Response Program (RRP) Team.

Who is eligible to train for the RRP?

The OAVT RRP provides complimentary training to Veterinary Technology Student Members, Pending Members and Registered Veterinary Technicians interested in providing the service of animal specimen collection for rabies testing in the Province of Ontario.

How is the course material delivered?

Course material will be provided in PowerPoint presentations, videos and info sheets. When you have completed the required training for the module you will be required to “attest” to reading/viewing the material and will be required to successfully complete a quiz, in your member portal, to advance to the next module.

Already have current health and safety training?

If you have already completed health and safety training, and the training has not expired, you can bypass the associated RRP training modules by uploading a third party certificate in your member portal. The following are a list of the modules that can be bypassed.

RRP Module 2: WHMIS Training (expires 12 months from completion)

RRP Module 3: Awareness Training (expires 3 years from completion)

RRP Module 4: Accessibility Training (expires 3 years from completion)

What happens after your training is complete?

Once all 5 training modules have been successfully completed, proof of a protective rabies titer in the past 12 months has been submitted and approved, and candidates have a current Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT) status with the OAVT, RVTs are invited to apply to become a member of the RRP RVT Team.

To apply to be a member of the RRP RVT Team return to your member portal and click the “Start Application” button that appears on the RRP Membership page. During the application process RVTs will be given the opportunity to choose which Public Health Unit area and what type of collections they are interested in providing (e.g. animals with no decapitation required, animals with decapitation required and animals with brain removal required).

When the online application is completed a contract for service will be provided online to the RVT to participate in the RRP as an independent contractor. After the RVT has accepted the terms of the contract online the RRP staff will be notified.

Once the application has been approved by RRP staff the  will RVT will be notified by email and information on how to prepare for the RVT’s first collection and will be provided. 

If you have questions at any time throughout the RRP training and contract processes please contact the OAVT RRP staff at rrp@oavt.org

RRP Training Modules

Please follow the links below to access and complete the RRP training modules. Once you have completed a module return to your member portal and click on “RRP Membership” from the menu, then click the ‘Open Module’ button to attest to your training and complete the required quiz.

RRP Training Module 1: Rabies Specimen Collection and Shipping Training

RRP Training Module 2: WHMIS Training

RRP Training Module 3: Health & Safety Awareness Training

RPP Training Module 4: Health & Safety Accessibility Training

RRP Training Module 5: Rabies Response Program Training Review