HR Resources
HR Article series
The OAVT is announcing a new Human Resources initiative! We are in the process creating a valuable series of articles and resources with an HR theme.
We hope these articles will make a difference in the lives of RVTs by enhancing their abilities to succeed through the use of these tools. Each article in the series takes a step-by-step approach though common aspects of the ‘job journey’ including; setting a personal budget, reading and applying to job ads, interviewing, annual reviews, and the importance of CE.
Our aim is to give RVTs the tools to start open, fair, and productive conversations with their workplace. We want to help RVTs and their workplaces achieve their mutual goals by planning for the future together.
The articles will be released on an on-going basis.

Applying for the Right Job for You
The first article in our HR series starts at the very beginning of your job journey with the job ad.

Ask For An Evaluation (VIDEO)
In 2018 and 2019, only half of Ontario RVTs reported getting an annual performance review. RVT Martha Little of CDMV explains why all RVTs should be asking for an evaluation or performance review from their employers.

Crafting your Resume and Cover Letter
There are many articles, resources, and tips out there for crafting a resume and cover letter that will get you an interview. One thing they all agree on is tailoring your resume and cover letter to the individual job. It may take more time, but will be worth it in the end!

How to Ace Your Job Interview (VIDEO)
Have you checked out the OAVT Job Board lately? At any given time, there are HUNDREDS of job opportunities for RVTs in Ontario. We want to help you ace your next job interview. RVT Martha Little of CDMV, who will also be speaking at the OAVT 2020 Conference in March, has some specific tips on how you can prepare for an upcoming interview.

Investing in RVTs – Where the Smart Money Is
RVTs complete CE because it is required to maintain their legal credential. The entrepreneurial RVT also looks at the bigger picture – they know that strategic learning has more value. Can intelligent use of CE promote a win-win-win situation, where the RVT and the practice and the animal benefit?

Know Your Numbers Before Taking a Number; Creating a Personal Budget
Budgeting can seem overwhelming but it is an exercise that is well worth it. Knowing your dollars and cents can help you be more informed when negotiating your wage with a current or prospective employer.

Performance Management – for the veterinary team
The OAVT has teamed up with CDMV to encourage clinics to implement a performance management process. If you have hired qualified staff, and you’ve clearly defined the practice’s vision and expectations, that’s an excellent start! Now it’s time to move on to the next step: the performance management process.

Responding to Negative Comments on Facebook
The OAVT has teamed up with CDMV to bring you important advice on how to respond to negative comments on your clinic’s Facebook page. Many RVTs are responsible for their clinic’s social media feeds, and negative reviews or comments from a client can be stressful. Learn how to handle these types of situations by going on the offensive!
Other resources
The Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) provides the minimum standards for most employees working in Ontario. It sets out the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in most Ontario workplaces. Click here to view the official guide.
The OAVT conducts an annual wage and compensation survey. Click here to view our current and past wage surveys
How do I become an RVT
Whether you are an Ontario student or internationally trained graduate, learn about the five steps it takes to become a Registered Veterinary Technician.
Job Board
Search through Ontario’s #1 source for animal healthcare jobs. New jobs are posted daily.
RVT Registry
The official Registry of Ontario’s Registered Veterinary Technicians. All RVTs in good standing can be found in this searchable Registry.