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If this is your first time posting on the new OAVT job board – please note that you cannot use your old job ad account and must create a new one. OAVT member accounts are not the same as job ad accounts.

Choose a package

  • Purchase Package:

  • The Standard Job ad will be listed for 60 days AFTER the Featured job ads.  Once an ad is first approved and posted – there are no refunds.  $125.00 (plus tax)

In this section

How do I become an RVT

Whether you are an Ontario student or internationally trained graduate, learn about the five steps it takes to become a Registered Veterinary Technician.

Job Board

Search through Ontario’s #1 source for animal healthcare jobs. New jobs are posted daily.

RVT Registry

The official Registry of Ontario’s Registered Veterinary Technicians. All RVTs in good standing can be found in this searchable Registry.