RVT Journal Quiz: Volume 47, Issue 1, Article 3 – If It Doesn’t Look Normal, Does It Still Hurt: Malocclusion Education
1. What is a common name for a Class 2 Malocclusion?
2. A common malposition of the maxillary canine tooth in a sheltie is a lance canine, also known as mesioversion. The code when charting this is:
3. The wear of a tooth due to contact from another tooth is known as:
4. What is/are signs of oral pain?
5. RVTs should check the occlusion of the teeth on every patient they intubate.
6. When the mouth is closed, the mandibular canine teeth will rest between which teeth on the maxilla?
7. What type of Malocclusion is due to a maxillomandibular asymmetry?
8. If there is a malocclusion, and there is no trauma caused to surrounding soft tissue or other dentition, no treatment is required.
9. The division of veterinary dentistry that involves the elimination of a developing malocclusion is known as:
10. When treatment is performed for a traumatic occlusion, the final outcome is: