RVT Journal Quiz: Volume 47, Issue 1, Article 2 – Cutaneous Lymphoma

RVT Journal Quiz: Volume 47, Issue 1, Article 2 – Cutaneous Lymphoma

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If you obtain a score of 8 out of 10 (80%) or higher, you will receive a confirmation email which OAVT members can use as acceptable proof for their online CE record.

1. A patient with stage II multicentric lymphoma would involve which of the following? *
2. Large cell lymphoma is slower to progress than small cell lymphoma. *
3. The gold standard treatment for multicentric lymphoma is a combination of drugs known by the acronym: *
4. Lymphoma can present in which of the following organs of the body? *
5. Mycosis Fungoides (a rare skin cancer affecting people) is most like which of the following? *
6. Definitive diagnosis for cutaneous lymphoma can be made via: *
7. Chronic administration of lomustine can lead to which of the following laboratory abnormalities? *
8. The most significant risk associated with L-asparaginase is: *
9. Which organ of the body is affected by cumulative doses of doxorubicin? *
10. First line therapy for most forms of cutaneous lymphoma is typically achieved via which of the following? *