RVT Journal Quiz: Volume 47, Issue 1, Article 1 – Surgical Anesthesia for Avian Wildlife Patients
1. In most avian species, which bones are pneumatic? *
2. Avian species possess, on average, _____ air sacs. *
3. In avian species, it is important to use a cuffed ET tube because: *
4. When providing IPPV to an avian surgical patient, the pressure on the manometer shouldn’t be higher than: *
5. For an avian patient, which are the two main sites for subcutaneous fluid administration? *
6. A Belted Kingfisher presents for a humeral fracture repair. The RVT is preparing the patient for surgery and notice that it is an open fracture. They carefully clean and then flush the area with: *
7. In avian species, the correct depth for inserting an ET tube is found by: *
8. The dive response is common in __________ species and can cause profound ____________ and ______________. *
9. A 985-gram Red-Tailed Hawk needs to be setup on an oxygen flow rate of _______ and a surgical fluid rate of ________: *
10. Avian patients should be positioned in ventral recumbency whenever possible. *