Are you aware of the role you can play as an RVT in the management of arthritic pain with your canine patients?
This 1.5-hour learning module for RVTs will help you learn all about monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in the management of canine arthritis (OA). Module 3 of 4 covers the management of OA with your canine patients and will help you to understand how you can leverage mAbs in your role as a champion.
This module is designed to be highly interactive and includes a narrator, videos, links to external resources, and quiz questions to keep you sharp!
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
- Present strategies on how to explain mAbs and canine arthritis management plans to clients.
- Understand the science behind mAbs for OA management.
- Describe your key role as an RVT before, during, and after the diagnostic workup, step by step.
- Provide strategies to champion a team approach to canine arthritis management.